/ Event Tonight! Ceramides & The Skin Barrier with Dr Derrick
Olivia @ CeraVe

Event Tonight! Ceramides & The Skin Barrier with Dr Derrick Phillips

Hi everyone, how are you all? We are super excited for our send ever Live Event tonight, exclusive to Me + CeraVe!. Please tune in at 6:45pm – 7:30pm UK time.

Ceramides & The Skin Barrier with Dr Derrick Thursday 2nd November 6:45pm – 7:30pm UK time Live on Microsoft Teams.

Register here.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EVENT WILL START AT 6:45PM. The first 15minutes is for our technical preparation!

Please remember to mute yourself and use the chat 💙

Link to join: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTQyMWE1NmUtNmMwZS00MzJkLTg3ZjktY2Y5NWYxMDMwYTRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e4e1abd9-eac7-4a71-ab52-da5c998aa7ba%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%228e54ce53-0d93-4a85-9f3c-0b4d88c396b5%22%7d

Do you have any burning questions for Dr Derrick Phillips? Let us know in the comments below, and your question could be answered! (note, no question is a silly question!)

Looking forward to seeing you tonight! 💙

Keep exploring the community!