/ Live Event Tonight! After School Skincare wit Dr. Angela
Olivia @ CeraVe

Live Event Tonight! After School Skincare wit Dr. Angela Tewari 💙

Hi Me + CeraVe, how are you? Join us TONIGHT our exclusive After School Skincare Live Event with Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Angela Tewawri, and CeraVe Educator, Rosie Varlas!

Dr. Angela Tewari is here to help you discover the perfect, gentle skincare routine for ages 9-18. Tune in and unlock the secrets to a skincare routine tailored to the skin's needs at these ages.

When? Monday 22 April, 6:45 - 7:30 PM

Where? Live on Microsoft Teams Register here

Link to join at 6:45 PM https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yjc2ODRjYjUtNDYxYS00ODZlLWJhMzItMzRiZWQxYjU2NjM0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e4e1abd9-eac7-4a71-ab52-da5c998aa7ba%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%228e54ce53-0d93-4a85-9f3c-0b4d88c396b5%22%7d

As a reminder, please can you keep yourselves muted and turn off your cameras, to allow Dr. Angela and Rosie to speak?

Drop your questions for Dr. Angela in the comments below! 💙

Keep exploring the community!