/ Does bar soap cause acne?
Fresh Face

Does bar soap cause acne?

Many people say how bar soaps can be drying and irritating for the skin, however I've had no issues with any other brands of soaps before! I understand that everyone has different skin types and problems. Still, for me I've had acne prone skin within the last few years, many people tell me to use a face wash since apparently the bar soap I have used all my life is "causing my acne", which to be honest makes no sense to me given that my mum has suffered from severe acne as a teenager. She has no skin care routine besides bar soap and a moisturiser. She has NO pimples or acne, whatsoever, yes I know everyone is different but how does me using a bar soap cause acne if I've been using that bar soap for most of my life, with the same ingredients, so if was to share my opinion on this, I would say bar soap doesn't cause acne , as I believe that what mainly causes quite a lot of people's acne is hormonal or what you consume on a daily basis(food).
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