Norm/Dry combination routine
My skin leans yo dryness/dehydration - the Warmer Welsh weather may be to blame. Just my nose has blemishes under the skin, white heads and visible pore texture. Usually quite clear. I was using samples of a luxe foundation too as the only changes. I've switched to oil cleanser with double cleanse on the Tzone, hopefully this will clear the blockages
What is your Skin Type?
What is your main Skin Concern?
Why do you use this routine?
Majority of my products are for normal to dry skin. Hopefully switching cleanser will draw out blemishes
In what order do you apply it?
Oil Cleanser, then cleansing milk / cream to foam wash
Tell us about how you apply the products to your skin
Cleansing oil, remove with microfibre pad., usually a double cleanse with milk/cream cleanser - switching to cream to foam cleanser ON microfibre pad for gentle exfoliation
What skin benefits have you seen since using this routine?
Just started, too soon to see results. Worth noting, skin does not feel rough or tight, just smooth and hydrated.