/ FAQ - CeraVe

FAQ - CeraVe

Your Profile & Account Management
Head to your Profile to edit your public and private details.

To edit your public profile, head to your Profile. Click on “edit my profile” and on “Public profile”. Here you can update your nickname, date of birth, location, Instagram account and your bio.

Click Account Settings to update your account credentials, including your email address and password, and to delete your account.

To edit your shipping information, click on the “Tester profile” tab. Don’t forget to click on “save profile” before leaving your profile page.
Your personal details, such as your full name and shipping address, are not shared with any other community members. Only you can see this information.

Other members can only see your username, number of points, number of followers and followings, status, badges, age, city and country, your date of registration, and your publications on the community.
You can check your current number of followers by heading to your Profile. Click on “show more” to display your number of followers, as well as the number of people you follow and your current Me & CeraVe ranking.
At the moment, you are not able to search for another user. However, there are a few ways to find a user’s profile:
  • When browsing the community, you can access another member’s profile by clicking on their username or profile picture.
  • If you know the member’s username, tag them (using the @) in one of your posts. You’ll be able be able to click on their nickname and access their profile.
  • In your inbox, you can search for the member’s username. By creating a new conversation with them, you’ll able to contact them or access their profile.
Connecting with Me & CeraVe Members
To tag someone, use the key "@" and type the first letters of the person you want to tag. After publishing your post, the person you have mentioned will be notified.
Challenges & Points
Earn points by completing challenges. Every point counts, bringing you closer to the next status, and unlocking unique rewards.
Head to your Profile and click on the Challenges tab. Here you can check the challenges you have left to reach the next status and unlock exclusive members-only rewards. You can also access the missions which you have completed.
Challenges that require a screenshot can take up to 3 days to be validated. If your screenshot corresponds to the criteria of validation, Me & CeraVe admin will validate it and you’ll receive your points. If it doesn’t meet criteria, you can submit another screenshot.
There are several times of missions:
  • One-time only challenges: Can only be completed once. One you’ve received the points, the mission will go in your “completed challenges” list and you won’t be able to complete it again.
  • Recurring challenges: Can be completed several times – every time you complete it, you’ll earn more points.
  • Temporary challenges: Can only be completed during a certain time period – they can be either unique or recurring. After that, they will disappear from the community.
If you didn't receive points for a challenge which you completed, it may be because your screenshot submission did not fit the criteria of validation. Please keep in mind that some challenges are unique, meaning that you can only complete it once. If you submit several screenshots for a unique mission, only one of them will be validated.
Statuses, Badges & Ranks
Each status requires you to complete specific missions. To find out how to level up, up you need to:
  1. Go to your Profile at the top left of the side menu
  2. Go to the Progress tab to check the statuses which you have unlocked, the badges you’ve won, and the number of points you’ve earned. Here you can view the challenges shown that you have left to complete to level up to the next status.
Rankings are based on the number of points each community member has. There are two types of ranking ("All time” and “Monthly"), which are updated every evening. Members leading the board are more likely to be appointed as Member of the Month.
On your profile page, you can find two different rankings:
  • Monthly Ranking: it takes into consideration the number of points you’ve earned over the last month
  • Global Ranking: it takes into consideration all the points you’ve earned since you’ve joined the community.
To unlock a badge, you need to complete the different conditions required. Badges are often linked to posting in the gallery or in the discussion groups - so the more you post or comment, the faster you’ll be able to unlock a badge. You can find all your badges and progress and conditions to unlock new ones on your Profile.
Product Testing and Reviews
There are 3 steps you need to complete, to be in with the chance to test & review complimentary products.
  1. Complete Your Profile: Fill out a short Skin Questionnaire on your Tester Profile, so we can understand your skin type and concerns.
  2. Apply & Get Selected: Apply to test a product for your chance to be selected. We’ll select members whose skin is most suitable to the product, so that you achieve your desired results.
  3. Test & Review: Enjoy complimentary delivery to your door, test the product at home and leave a review.
We’re sorry that you haven’t been selected for a test yet. When selecting testers, we consider several criteria. This includes your activity and engagement on the community. The more active you are, the higher you chance of being selected will be.

We also consider as your skin type and skin concerns, which you inputted onto your tester profile. This helps to ensure that you receive your desired result with skincare, and that the product is best suited to your needs. Don’t forget to fill your preferences by clicking here.

Although you may not have been selected on this occasion, please continue to be active in the community.
Expected delivery is between 3 to 7 days. However, please note that there may be delays, especially during Bank Holidays. If you notice that delivery is taking significantly longer than this (more than 10 days), don’t hesitate to contact us at via this account. In your message, please don’t forget to mention the product which you should be receiving.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Please message us at via this account, and provide details of this. We’ll do our best to support you in any way which we can.
Posts and Comments
Our Admins only validate the top content which is posted on the community. There are various key criteria which we look out for…
  • In depth details about the product, including its performance and texture
  • Content which is posted in a related discussion group
  • Original, high-quality images/videos with good lighting and no filters
  • Videos that have high sound quality and lighting
  • No mention of other brands in your posts
  • Please do not upload screenshots from any websites (including cerave.co.uk)
Head to your Profile and click on the Activity tab to you can view the content which you have published on House of Skin. This includes your posts, comments and likes.
To edit or delete one of your posts or comments, click on the three little dots available next to your publication.
Photographs, Videos and Moderation
There are several reasons why your photograph has been deleted:
  • It may be due to the format: make sure that it weighs less than 5Mo.
  • It may have been flagged by fellow community members or our admins, as not meeting the criteria of publication or community guidelines.
  • Don’t forget to add a few words in your post to unlock the “publish” button.
  • If you’re trying to upload several pictures in one post, you need to select them one by one.
We are sorry that you’re facing difficulties when posting photographs. If your photograph is being automatically deleted immediately after you’ve posted it, it’s probably because of the format: your photograph might be too heavy for our platform. It should weigh less than 5Mo.

Also, a description is mandatory to post a photograph.

If you wish to add several photographs in your post, you need to select them one by one.
We are sorry that you’re facing difficulties when publishing a post.

If your post is being automatically deleted after you’ve published it, you might be including a banned word. Please make sure to not use any sensitive words.

If your post is deleted a few days after publishing it, it may have been flagged by other community members or by our Admins. It may violate the criteria of publication. Please ensure that your post fits the theme and description of the discussion group.
Community News
To receive alerts new activities on Me & CeraVe, such as members-only events and competitions, go to your Profile. Click on “Edit my Profile”, and head to the Notifications tab. Activate the button "Send me an Email". You’ll then receive news about the community, straight to your email inbox.

You can also follow the brand and community actuality by regularly checking the Announcements channel, where our Admins regularly post content.
Product Tags
Tagging your post with products allows you to easily identify the products which you’re talking about. By clicking on a product tagged, you’ll be redirected straight to the product page on the CeraVe website, where you can find more detailed information surrounding the product.
Search for the specific product when creating your post. Once your chosen product appears, simply click on its icon. Click on “publish” and the product will appear under your post.
Please head to Skincare Routine channel. Search within our product bank and click on the first product you want to add to your routine. Then, search for at least a second product to create a routine. Fill in the different fields and click on “confirm” once you’ve added all the products which you use in your routine. Your published routine will appear at the top of the routine channel.
Make sure that you create a routine with at least two products. Also, make sure that you have filled in all the required fields before publishing your routine.
Admins & Technical Support
If you’re looking for advice on how to use the community, have questions about your missions, points, statuses, products and samples, or if you’re experiencing technical issues, please message this account and they will come back to you within 2-3 days.