/ Exclusive Challenges: CeraVe High! 💙📖🖊
Olivia @ CeraVe

Exclusive Challenges: CeraVe High! 💙📖🖊

I have some exciting news to share! We have released some limited-edition challenges, all things CeraVe High! These are available for those of you who attended in-person, and for those of you at home!

Explore the exclusive CeraVe High challenges here.

In-Person Challenges:

  • Share your thoughts on CeraVe High
  • Share a snap of CeraVe High
  • Unbox your CeraVe High purchase

Online Challenges:

  • Complete the Ceramides Quiz
  • Attend our next online event with Dr Derrick
  • Try our Routine Finder

Enjoy! 💙

Exclusive Challenges: CeraVe High! 💙📖🖊
Keep exploring the community!