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Ask a Skin Expert

Do you need skincare advice? Our CeraVe Skin Experts are here to help! Whether you consider yourself a skincare newbie or feel you’re fairly clued up, no question is too big or small.

Elizabeth [See profile]
Skin Type: Dehydrated
Skin Concern: Ageing & Pigmentation
Favourite Product:

Jade [See profile]
Skin Type: Dry
Skin Concern: Ageing
Favourite Product: AM Facial Moisturising Lotion SPF 50

Emily [See profile]
Skin Type: Combination
Skin Concern: Dehydration
Favourite Product: Hydrating Foaming Oil Cleanser

We also have contributing Skin Experts, Kasey, May and Amna who can support. Please note, our Skin Experts are not a medical professionals therefore this advice cannot replace the advice of your GP, dermatologist or medical professional. If you have any concerns or have any skin conditions or are pregnant, please seek advice from your GP, dermatologist or healthcare professional.
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Moisturised Master
What would you recommend for my dry skin and I have monthly hormonal break outs?
Moisturised Master
I’d love to be recommended a full routine that I can purchase to restart my skincare journey, For context - I’ve never suffered with skin concerns, ( I was very lucky though my teenage years!) but once I’d had my second child at the age of 31 my skin just suffered so badly, I was told I had contact dermatitis and given antibiotics for 6 months which didn’t seem to help the problem. I now have acne scarring and any new products that I try to use just cause my skin to flare up, i have combination skin but very sensitive to new products. Any help appreciated 💙
Moisturised Master
Are there any products for hyperpigmentation or dark spots?
I suffer with really bad skin on my face all around my jawline & cheeks, big bad spots almost everyday, it’s so depressing and really makes me down. Please is there anything to help
Nourished Novice
Are there any products for dry scalp?
Moisturised Master
Could you please recommend something for the bumpy skin😔?
Nourished Novice
I have dry elbows which I hate in the summer as on show more, what would you recommend please?
Moisturised Master
What would you recommend for smooth skin after removing facial hair?